[Version 1.13, 03.02.2006] - new: option in popup menu: "Monitor Settings / Add Time Stamp ..." * adds a time stamp to every line (idea by Udo) * Example: [dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss] (all literals are displayed) - new: press CTRL + R to reset all files - changed: name of ini parameter * from "AdjustSizeAutomaticly" to "AdjustSizeAutomatically" (please check your configuration - sorry) [Version 1.12, 26.02.2005] - new: bookmarks (idea by Tobias) * press CTRL + SHIFT + [0 - 9] to add a new bookmark to the end If text is selected, the bookmark is attached to the text. * press CTRL + [0-9] to jump to the corresponding bookmark - new: option in popup menu: "Visual Settings / Word Wrap" - fix: option menu "Save/Copy Text" now also works for single area mode - fix: options in menu "Visual Settings" re-grouped [Version 1.11, 06.01.2005] - new: Press CTRL + T to execute a single check for appended data (sometimes usefull with large monitor intervals). - wildcards w52 and ww52 removed (stupid idea); - calculation for wildcards w and ww fixed - some minor fixes (i.e. tray icon now disappears after closing program) [Version 1.10, 31.12.2003] - new: option in popup menu "Visual Settings / Border" - new: single click on the system tray symbol shows/hides the window - new: 2 new wildcard types w52 week "53" is set to "1", if the 1st of January is a part of this week ww52 like w52 with leading zero - new: option in popup menu "Visual Settings / Show only in system tray" - fixed: color 0xFFFFFF (black) for "SpecialWords" [Version 1.9, 08.10.2003] - new: file names with date based wildcards are supported * example "/logs/access.log.[yyyy].[ww].[D]" * wildcard types d day of month without leading zero dd day of month with leading zero w week of year without leading zero ww week of year with leading zero m month of year without leading zero mm month of year with leading zero yy year as two-digit number yyyy year as four-digit number D day of week without leading zero t day of year without leading zero(s) ttt day of year with leading zero(s) - new: Press F3 or CTRL+F to start a standard text search in the text of the monitor area in which the mouse pointer is located. - new: Popup menu in system tray too [Version 1.8, 29.08.2003] - new: "Visual Settings / Single Monitor Area" --> shows all log entries of all files in one monitor area use ALT + Double Click to switch between the two modes |||suggestion by tom||| - new: more FTP options * Proxy-Settings (ftp via proxy is ignored, if proxy host is empty) [FTP] ProxyHost= --> FTP proxy host ProxyPort=2121 --> FTP proxy port ProxyAccount= --> FTP proxy login ProxyPassword=7whatzcuViY= --> FTP proxy password (encrypted by TailMe) * FTP auto connect --> reconnects to the FTP server every x minutes (minimum is 2) [FTP] AutoConnect = 5 - new: special parameter to solve performance problems |||note by tom||| * Problem: A file is written faster than TailMe can read it. Solution: new Parameter "TailSize" [Options] TailSize=4096 --> in bytes (configuration only via INI file) Example: Between to monitor events, the size of the log file is increased by 100 KByte. TailMe ignores (!!) the first 96 KB and reads only the last 4 KB (=4096 Bytes). Set the value to 0 to ignore this new parameter. - new: entry in menu: "Actual Configuration" --> lists the complete actual configuration - new: scroll behaviour more "tail like" - changed: * There are no longer splitters between the monitor areas. Move the mouse cursor to the most right 30 pixel in a monitor area. The cursor is changed and you can "drag" the height up and down. * Some internal changes to improve performance. - fixed: * ftp files are no longer saved in the "Recent Files" * the setting of "Save Settings" to FALSE is saved in the ini file [Version 1.7, 18.08.2003] - new: monitoring files via ftp --> (At the moment this feature is a nice toy for me: "WOW, someone is visiting my site right now ..." - maybe you find a more meaningfull usage) * configuration only via INI file (exception: input of ftp password): [FTPTailFiles] --> List of files to monitor FTPFile0=/logs/access.log.35.5 FTPFile1=/logs/error.log [FTP] Host=www.your-domain.de --> FTP host (ftp is ignored, if host is empty) Port=21 --> FTP port Account=p1234567 --> FTP login PassiveMode=1 --> 1=on, 0=off Password=7whatzcuViY= --> FTP password (encrypted by TailMe) * encryption of ftp password: Blowfish, 448 bit key * Please note: 1) Your ftp server has to allow the FTP REST command (resume mode). 2) Probably the ftp server disconnects you after a while. The background image ("Show file name image") shows the connection state. Deactivate and reactivate the "Active" property to connect again. 3) Sometimes the web server of my provider (Puretec/Germany) seems to actualize my log files only every 5 minutes ==> a "Monitor Interval" of 60000 ms (1 minute) is for that case absolutely sufficient - your provider will appreciate it. [Version 1.6, 08.08.2003] - new: "Maximize" (or CTRL + double click) --> minimizes all monitor areas to a predefined height (18 pix) and maximizes the selected area to the available space |||basic idea by Ralph - again||| - new: SHIFT + double click --> "Adjust Size (equally)" - changed: "Add file ..." --> opening of more than one file is possible |||suggestion by Ralph||| - fixed: "Always On Top" --> property is saved now [Version 1.5, 25.07.2003] - new: "Remove/Reset File" --> hold down the CTRL key to remove/reset _all_ files in one step |||suggestion by Ralph||| - new: "Monitor Settings / Show only 'Special Word' Logs" --> log event occours only if a "Special word" was found - new: "Visual Settings / Monitor Background Color..." --> background color for monitor areas |||suggestion by Chris||| - new: "Visual Settings / Show File Name Image" --> show centered image of the file name (as a kind of watermark) |||suggestion by Ralph||| - changed: If a log event occours and the program window is shown, the title contains the name of the file which has caused the event. [Version 1.4] - new: some new options / ini parameters: ------------------------ [Options] AdjustSizeAutomaticly = 1 --> adjust sizes of monitor areas on resize form Left = 395 --> reload form size and position Top = 2 --> - " - Width = 627 --> - " - Height = 91 --> - " - SaveSettings = 1 --> save settings on program end BeepOnLogEvent = 1 --> speaker beep if a log event occours ------------------------ - new: A standard ini file is used with name: "{EXE name without extension}.ini". (i.e.: "TailMe.ini"} |||suggestion by Alex||| If the file does not exist and SaveSettings = 1, the program creates it. The handing over of ini files as command line parameter works as always. [Version 1.3] - New: Drag&Drop of files from the file explorer |||suggestion by Joachim||| * _replace_ an existing monitor job by dropping a file into the corresponding monitor area (works only with one file) * drop file(s) to the title bar or to empty window areas to _add_ monitor job(s) [Version 1.2] - New: "recent files" in the popup menu; recent files are also saved in the INI file (if loaded) - New: confirmation message if you try to monitor a file which is already opened - per default TailMe starts in active mode [Version 1.1] - New: new ini parameter to show the program window if a log event occours: ------------------------ [Options] ShowOnLogEvent = 1 ------------------------ - Fix: icon in system tray disappears if Always-On-Top property is changed [Version 1.0] *** Basic Functions *** - use INI file as command line parameter (path + name) to load configuration; (see "Apache_Tail.ini" for example - it's quite simple) - single click on a monitor area shows the name of the file in the title bar - double click on a monitor area stops the monitoring for the file; new lines are ignored; next double click restarts the monitoring